About SKIN689®
SKIN689® -effective cosmetics made in Switzerland
Innovative ingredients for perfect skin
The product range of the skin689® brand includes highly effective skin preparations that are exclusively produced in Switzerland. As a specialist in eliminating unwanted visible changes on the skin, skin689® combinesuses proven ingredients and innovative skin firming agents to reduce cellulite and increase elasticity.
For skin689®, the skin is an expression of the personality and individuality of each person - beautiful skin is an important part of the quality of life - therefore each product of the Swiss brand is specially developed for the targeted cosmetic improvement of the appearance of the skin. In order to ensure the effectiveness of the products, skin689® works closely with active ingredient experts, dermatological institutes and laboratories and other cosmetics experts.
All products are clinically and dermatologically tested. Research and testing are not performed on animals.
Innovative and exclusive:
active ingredients of skin689
Cosmeceuticals series skin689 combines functional cosmetics with proven effectiveness, as known by medicine and pharmacy - but without painful interventions and side effects: they not only affect the appearance of the skin, but also lead to a visible strengthening of the skin's elasticity and a simultaneous reduction of fat.
This result is thanks to the active ingredients of skin689, which we developed with great attention and effort together with scientists and doctors:
CHACOLL stimulates the formation of collagen fibers and reduces fat cells
ShapePerfect it converts white fat cells into brown fat cells, while white adipose tissue is associated with energy storage (and obesity), brown adipose tissue plays an important role in its discharge. In this way, a double effect is achieved.
PhytoCellTec protects dermal stem cells and improves tissue structure
DermCom stimulates creatinocytes to create new collagen and elastin
CoAxel promotes the breakdown and removal of fat and tissue drainage